
Audacity for mac keeps losing connection with playback device
Audacity for mac keeps losing connection with playback device

audacity for mac keeps losing connection with playback device

PlaybackĪssuming that you’ve made a test recording by following the steps above, let’s now set things up for playback. Wait…what? What’s this “for now” business? Well, we’ll get to that in a bit. However, just hit record again in Audacity, and you’ll see that all is well. At first glance, you might assume that you have to reconnect Audacity every time you want to record, which would be quite annoying to say the least. Now press Audacity’s stop button, and notice what happens in JACK: Audacity disappears from the Receive Ports column. Click Audacity’s record button, and you’ll be recording whatever you’ve got fed into JACK. When you return to Audacity, you should see a signal in the recording meter (assuming that your audio interface is properly set up in JACK). Click “system” under Send Ports, then double-click “Audacity” under Receive Ports, and JACK will connect them. To get JACK to see Audacity’s input connection, click the down-arrow button next to the recording level meters, and choose “Start Monitoring.” In JACK’s Connections Manager window, you should now see an Audacity entry in the Receive Ports column.

audacity for mac keeps losing connection with playback device

If this toolbar is not visible, you can either turn it on (View –> Toolbars –> Device Toolbar), or open Audacity’s preferences and change the same options in the Devices section. If you have the device toolbar visible in Audacity, simply change the drop-down choices for both playback and recording to “JackRouter”. Open JackRouter, click “Start” on the JackPilot window, then click “Routing” to open the Connections Manager window. This has some annoying repercussions, which I’ll detail later.

audacity for mac keeps losing connection with playback device

Unlike Reaper, where both input and output connections activate for either recording or playback, Audacity activates only the output connection when playing, and only the input connection when either recording or monitoring. Audacity is similar, but even more granular. In Reaper, for example, both input and output connections are inactive by default, and only activate when a track is armed for recording, or audio is being played. Some establish a constant connection to the system, while others appear to make and break that connection on an as-needed basis. The thing with Mac apps and audio is that they don’t all behave the same way. He was trying to get JACK to work with Audacity, but wasn’t having much (any?) success, so I decided to dig into it myself. I just received a comment from voice talent Tristan Wright on my original post about the JACK audio router utility.

Audacity for mac keeps losing connection with playback device